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5 Keys to Managing Your Diabetes During the Holidays

5 Keys to Managing Your Diabetes During the Holidays

5 Keys to Managing Your Diabetes During the Holidays

Christmas carols, family gatherings, plus delicious food combine for a Christmas season to remember. That last element — all the delicious food– trips up patients with diabetes every holiday season. Not only can foods rich in sugar sabotage your diabetes management but eating meals during odd times may also interfere in your efforts to control your sugar. We’ve compiled a few tips to make managing your diabetes during the holidays easier than ever.

Start Here: Your Diabetes Educator

Before the holidays schedule an appointment with your diabetes educator to discuss how you expect the holidays to look, what challenges you may face, and how you can create a plan to manage your diabetes during the holidays. Erica Witcher on our staff is a Certified Diabetes Educator and Registered Dietitian. If you don’t already have a diabetes educator on your medical team, make an appointment with Erica today. Patients at Mantachie Rural Health Care may meet with Erica during their regular appointments for no extra charge.

Don’t Skip Meals

A big dinner scheduled for 4 p.m. tempts all of us to skip lunch and mid-afternoon snacks. After all, we don’t want to be so full we’re not hungry for the big spread. Skipping meals, however, can make managing your blood sugar even more difficult. Go ahead and eat your usual breakfast and lunch, or if a late lunch is the big meal, plan to eat something during your normal dinner time. Managing your meal schedule keeps your sugar levels in check so you’re not experiencing highs and lows that can ruin your holiday.

Try the Green Stuff, It’s Delicious

Carbohydrates reign supreme during Christmas celebrations. From the cornbread dressing and cranberry jelly to pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes, it’s a sugar bug’s dream come true. You don’t have to avoid all the sugar during every gathering this holiday season, but do balance your plate with low-carb foods as well. Salad, broccoli, and spinach add color, flavor, and balance to your meal. Plus these foods keep you full longer so you’ll be less likely to swoop back through for another helping of Uncle Joe’s famous chocolate cobbler. It’s all part of managing your diabetes during the holidays.

Sample instead of Splurge

Your sister-in-law’s delicious dressing may only grace the table twice a year: Thanksgiving and Christmas. You don’t have to miss out because you have diabetes, but you should pay attention to portions and how many items you sample. Try one or two tablespoons of those carb-heavy foods then add some protein and non-starchy vegetables to your plate. Instead of filling your dessert plate with a full serving of everything, choose one dessert and savor every bite by eating it slowly.

Stretch Your Legs

Work parties. School parties. Friend parties. Family parties. It seems like every day in December has a party attached to it. Don’t forget your gym party — by party we mean your regular trips to the gym or walking track. It’s easy to let exercise slide during the holidays. There’s a reason January is the hottest month for new fitness subscriptions every year. Part of sticking to your regular schedule means continuing your normal workout routines throughout the week. You can even add some movement to all those events you have scheduled. Take a walk around the neighborhood or have a dance-off after dinner.

For more help, request an appointment with our Certified Diabetes Educator.

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